438 Tyler Rd, Merced, CA 95341
(209) 722-3990

Other Services/FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

How large of a gate can I have?

Sun-Power Gates can be made to fit openings up to 20 feet and can be decorated to match any existing fences or any design you desire.

What if the power goes out?

Sun-Power’s Conventional AC powered Gates will still operate even during a power outage.  This is due to the AC current only being used to trickle charge the gates power storage supply. The gate will operate for approximately 1800 cycles.

Are Sun-Power Vertical Lift Security Gates Safe?

Sun-Power Security Gates are safe!  Safety has been engineered into every aspect of our gates.  The gate is lifted and lowered with only 3 to 4 pounds of pressure, insuring safety for family and pets.  This combined with optional electric eyes, Miller pressure switches and closing loop sensors make Sun Power Gates very safe

What if the terrain is uneven?

Uneven terrain is never a problem.  Your Sun-Power Security Gate does not require the extensive level area that conventional gates need to properly swing or roll out.   The bottom of the gate can be sculpted to meet any terrain feature. (curbs, swales and sloped conditions)

Can I design my own gate?

Sun-Power Gates can be beautifully crafted to suit any aesthetic taste, or match any existing styles.  Fluer-de-lies, scrolls and spikes, almost anything can be added at the factory to make your Sun-Power Security Gate as beautiful as it is secure.   Completed gate must meet certain length and weight requirements.  Contact your Sun Power dealer for more information

Will my solar powered gate work if the sun is not out?

Solar energy is used for charging the gates power storage system.  With average sunlight, the solar panels will generate enough power to cycle a 20 foot gate up and down approximately 200 times. In a test, using a nine foot gate and a fully charged power supply, the gate was raised and lowered 1800 times at it’s normal speed of 6 to 8 seconds. So, Even if the sun were to be blocked by clouds for several days the gate would continue to function

What if my Sun-Power gate gets damaged?

A detailed drawing of your gate is kept on file at the factory and can be ready for replacement in just a few days.

What if my gate needs service?

Contact your local gate dealer, a Sun-Power authorized service center or the factory service center.